Design in the education field encompasses many different facets of learning, from pre-school classroom to multi-purpose rooms in the workplace.
Education remains in flux as design, technologies, and furniture continue to work together to solve the way we all learn today.
adult education
off-campus housing
BOX Studios is at the forefront of helping buildings distinguish themselves from the competition through thoughtful designs and creative solutions. We assist in attracting companies to buildings and adding value to properties.
conference centers
elevator lobbies
fitness centers, locker rooms, restrooms, outdoor spaces
spec suites
restaurants and food courts
tenant lounges

New construction comes in all shapes and sizes, whether it be from the ground-up to additions/expansion to building renovations. New high-tech products/materials and the latest construction methods make this an exciting market sector.
single family
refresh and interior renovation
Architecture tells a story while meeting the needs of individual clients and customers who use the building. We believe that the best buildings are conceived when architects, engineers, consultants, contractors, and clients come together to achieve something greater than the sum of their individual contributions. Through an integrated design process, we offer innovative design solutions that meet our client’s needs while creating real value.
We spend around 90% of our time indoors according to the EPA. Design of the spaces we occupy can greatly affect our health and behaviors. We are committed to ensuring our clients are informed on the benefits of quality design with the human experience at the core of what we do. We design environments that allow organizations, groups and/or individuals to operate at their fullest potential whether at work, live or play spaces.
We partner with a best-in-class organization that provides the strategic expertise needed in today’s business and office climate. We ensure our clients have the best research and data points from within their own organizations which allow them to make informed decisions specific to their business goals and company cultures.